

The sixth series and movie adaptation based on real characters from manga Shotaro Ishinomori, Omiya-san (known as the United States Unsolved Case ‘Case unsolved’) reached a share of 14.1 over its premiere on the 26th day 20:00, while the popular soap opera Mei-chan no shitsuji (The butler Mei-chan), Riko Miyagi in this week did not get enough audience to enter the top 10. Omiya-san is about an innocent and intelligent detective named Torii Kazaburo (Watase Tsunehiko), which shows a great ability to resolve any open case. Mega, together with the producer and Telefe Film Roos, developing an adaptation of the telenovela to Chile with the same title: Montecristo, which is starring in the role Gonzalo Valenzuela of Santiago. Unlike the original versions, and to avoid problems with the editorial line of the canal, the central plot is concerned with trafficking of children instead of missing persons in the military regime.
Television Azteca in Mexico has launched the Mexican adaptation of Monte Cristo, with the actors and Argentine Silvia Navarro Diego Olivera.
The television channel, SIC, “in Portugal has launched the Portuguese adaptation of” Montecristo “is called Vinganca (Revenge), and has as James, the actor Diogo Morgado, and Laura, international actress L cia Moniz, who also has made the Hollywood movie, Love Actually.
In Colombia and is being presented at the time of night adaptation, by Caracol Television, has been very successful in this country remains one of the most-watched soap operas currently on Colombian television. It stars the actress Paola Rey and the Colombian actor Juan Carlos Vargas. Also with the collaboration of Margarita Ortega, Carolina Guerra, among others Lady Noriega Colombians.
Currently, they are also making a version for Russia under the name”””””’. The entrance song and instrumental music remained intact, but in Russian language.

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