
Axel Pineda Foundation

If you want a better quality of life; start with the basics, take care of your mind, take care of your body. Nobody can forge as a true leader, unless you raise awareness to be the example of the followers. Anyone can achieve a good quality of life, to learn art handling and successfully leverage the time; and properly leveraging time means each day to experience the most; example of others in everything; and when someone is example; that someone is in the book of fate as a true leader. Enjoy your family: this aspect is something that cost me personally a lot learn because we regularly have the idea that the weekend is for children; for the spouse, but when it comes to family there are many aspects to take into account. I visit many schools where I speak to young people, and also to parents about the importance that has live every day in family, couples, to talk and tell our stories that passing time will become our stories, that possibly we have our grandchildren, and our grandchildren to future generations.

Someone asked me the question: Axel, which was the first word you said your daughter? To be honest, I didn’t understand the question. But over time made me reflect and realize that so far was m Axel Pineda is business Coach and speaker international topics in leadership, finance and sales. Promoter of the Axel Pineda Foundation which provides training in sales, leadership, and finance issues. He is author of several books on management, personal growth, and leadership.. fundacionaxelpineda. com

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