
Basque Government

In order to give an adequate solution to the problem, Mugape got in touch with Ede engineers in order to find the best alternatives that would lower their high spending power. The first step has been to launch an energy audit, for which processed the aid offered both el Ente Vasco de la Energia (EVE) and the Department of industry of the Basque Government. Three months Ede engineers technicians have examined all Mugape installations, in order to determine in detail how energy is consumed and find the most appropriate formulas to optimize such expenditure.Points of mejorUna after the phase of study of the energy audit and examined the data collected, Ede engineers has raised a number of points to be undertaken, among which the facility is located in a cogeneration plant. Within the measures suggested also notes the change in electrical contracting, since part of the factory it has been feeding in low voltage what much more expensive supply, and improvements in the lighting of the ships taking advantage of natural light, installing controllers of illumination according to the degrees of occupation and placing timers in the common spaces. The report contributed by Ede engineers advised the relocation of the compressor room since the load losses were superior to find away from the machinery which supplied. In addition, planned take heat from cooling of compressors to heat any ship, reducing the hours of operation of the ventilation of tanks and eliminate steam leaks. Some of the improvements that are in phase of execution are substitution and relocation of the production of compressed air, use the heat from refrigeration compressors, improvements in lighting and in the system of the air extraction.

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