
Carabobo Population

The team spirit is what gives many companies an advantage over its competitors. George Clements in recent years given to the economic changes that have arisen in the country, where the current Government has significantly affected the quality of life of Venezuelans, some changes have arisen in their habits, way to buy, in particular, in their behaviour as a consumer, above all, that Venezuela has become more an importer than exporter of commoditiesIn addition to other factors that have influenced its culture, custom, family, reference groups that cannot be ignored by those responsible for the function of the market. Chair of marketing of the graduate program in the specialty of management of the quality and productivity of Faces, University of Carabobo, has been investigating through its research lines is the reality of the Venezuelan, of their behavior consumer and believes that this, living for several years in a deteriorated economic environment, which has affected your ability to purchase. While their wages have fallen, prices have increased and this has given rise to a new rational behavior than impulsive. Datanalisis said that 41% of the population is in the poorest stratum and 39% in moderate poverty in Venezuela. 80% Of the population is located between these two sectors. The greater part of the family budget goes towards the purchase of food, followed by the cost of housing and basic services. Before the reduction of the family budget, the consumer has reacted in different ways, depending on the socio-economic stratum and the category of goods and services.

In general, consumer prepares expenditure budgets, compare prices, and even sacrifice quality for price. In this scenario, the loyalty to the brands weakens and offers and promotions acquires greater importance. Therefore the marketing management must be attentive to the trend that currently have consumers with certain items, which are: food eliminating some products (meat, juices and ice creams,) for example.

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