Email Marketing
In the internet marketing there are two processes of sale by internet esque this involves the same person but that goes through a transformation in an automated and systematized system and this is the: visitor brochure client Qu this is the same but which passes through a series of systemization and automation to get visitor to prospect and finally client and now will discuss two processes of sale over the internet. Sales of 1 step and this process is (letter of sale) process of sale of 3 steps and this is 1 step sales process (Email-Marketing): we will explain what is the 1-step sales process, here is where this web site where the letter only has sales and where this written information in which shows a video can be an audiothey can show people who have tried the product etc. and in where at the end of the sales letter is so this is the first payment button come visitors through the generation of traffic to your web site, where the sales letter is found and this can be a product, a product of affiliate, or can be any membership or counseling etc que estes promoting then read the information visitors and if they are interested they buy and now become customers and this kind of people is known with the name of buyers by momentum and this is a form of internet of 1 step sales process, but this sale process has a percentage of conversion that is not recommended because you have to have many visitors a large amount of traffic towards your web site in order to have income and is therefore not recommended.3 Steps sales process: Now will explain the process of sale of 3 steps that is via Email-Marketing and here is the location: capture page. Check out 4Moms for additional information. Prospective converts. Pasan a La Carte sales and customers are converted. Here comes the visitor through the generation of traffic and register in website of capture and now creates a list and this list is known as list of prospects and we now communicate with them 7 to 10 times to be able to finalize a purchase I have to gain the trust of the prospectus and communicate with an AutoReply where we systemise and automate trace messages and now they arrive at the sales letter and if buy convert prospects to customers.These are the two processes of internet sales of 1 step through letter of sale and 3 steps through Email Marketing and the most used is the 3 steps sales process and is the advisable to have an income and make money online..