
Green Card

Every year 55 000 lucky people are able to move home and imigrirovat in the U.S., having received a so-called Green Card (Green Card). Green Card – a residence permit in the U.S., which is actually possible to get different ways (married to a citizen of the United States, business immigration, work visa), however, the term Green Card steady contact with the visa lottery is DV-Lottery, which the U.S. State Department. Winners Lottery eliminated by random computer selection from the questionnaires were sent to participate in the program. Entitled to be registered are almost all adult citizens, except those countries from where the previous year in Immigrated to the United States total of no less than 50 thousand people. The list of "forbidden" world each year is different. Russia has traditionally had no right to participate in its citizens grinkard, but in 2008 this ban was lifted. The question arises, how to become a member of DV-Lottery? Registration of participants performed the past few years through the website.

Prior to this questionnaire participants were sent to the Kentucky visa center for manual processing. But Technology does not stand still and check green card was entirely electronic, in addition to the 2009 and the lottery can be viewed online (until recently, the only notification of a prize There was a letter from the Visa Application Centre). To register a party Green Card Lottery, there are two ways. First, check directly to the Internet portal of State Department Soedinennyeh States, it is designed to people are very well versed in English and professionally traded with image editors such as Photoshop. Of course, the vast majority of people to those myself and ranked, but in practice as soon as no more than ten percent of all questionnaires filled in correctly and correctly prepared contain photographs.

All other hard disqualified, and no notification of it is not sent. It turns out that the poor fellow may participate in the DV-Lottery for many years and complain about the unfairness of the system and destiny, but in reality it just for example in the photo is not exactly a neutral facial expression, or distance from crown to chin in the photo is not corresponds to the norm. The second way is to use the services of registrars Green Card Lottery. The obvious unquestionable advantage of this method – your registration will be conducted professionally, with all the subtleties and requirements. The questionnaire will be available at the time and you will not have a headache because of doubts in the right. While the forms of independent candidates eliminated an impressive percentage, the questionnaire treated as registrars usually do not cause complaints and participate in an annual lottery visa Green Card Lottery. Minus of this approach – its payment. As such, fees for participation in the Green Card is not, the registrar charge you only for correctly executed questionnaire party and to bring photos into compliance with all regulations. Which means you find it preferable – just your choice. We must not forget that the Green Card – it's just a lottery. To increase your chances of winning and dishonest "Underground" methods in it not be possible. Fear of advertisements such as "100% guarantee of receiving Grinkard." Without a doubt, this rogues. All that you can do to improve the chances of winning the DV-Lottery – to make sure that questionnaire completed professionally and in accordance with all requirements. Immigratedirect.com – registration for the Green Card.

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