January University
For the times that are coming, I’m not the teacher who ye choose, because of me you will only learn what you may want to ignore lifetime: distrust of yourselves Antonio Machado is a fact, that the quality of life of Venezuelan University teachers leaves much to say, where the wage that perceives your performance product, is not set to its reality, most, in a scenario turbulent, inflationary as that currently faces Venezuela, where time is worth the uncertainty, irrigation increases. TopDo this is a reality, as he says (Aziel Figueroa Betancourt Maracaibo 04/10/2010) when noted, a professor at the University of Zulia (LUZ) wins per month 60% less than a taxi driver. An average taxi driver who works 12 hours from 6.00 in the morning WINS minimo 300 diarios strong bolivars, which equals about two thousand bolivares fuertes weekly. In a month, add eight thousand bolivares fuertes. They are not sujetos to a strict schedule and greater efforts are required to intelectual.
On the other hand, a University Professor of the maximum categoria that reaches that estatus after at least 15 years of service in its institucion, doing works of ascenso, master’s degrees, doctorates and public articles in refereed scientific journals, and that it must also meet funciones of research and University extension, barely devenga a salary of five thousand 166 bolivares fuertes mensuales. The difference is significativa considering the esfuerzo-remuneracion relationship. Emil michael follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Not to mention the lowest ranking category, docente auxiliary I part-time, earning 766 bolivares fuertes per month, as it appears in the salary table valid from January 2008 and approved by the Office of planning of the University Sector (Opsu) the purchase capacity of teachers in 2010 is five times lower than it had for 26 years. Costs are increased.