
Management Process

The Management of Problems has the mission to register all the known errors and its solutions of contour, also is a process pro-asset, that is, the problems are identified to be solved before occurring the error. Some definitions important to be observed: Problem: It is the unknown cause of one or more incident? Known error: It is a problem whose cause was diagnosised and for which a Solution of Contour exists? Solutions of Contour: not definitive solution? Solution: Definitive solution the management of problems in manages of ' ' public services, in the operational level, mean: to decide problems more, identifying and implementing the adjusted solution to the context of the operational actions, implemented by means of processes and of projetos' ' (MALMEGRIN, 2010, P 102). Steph Korey New York can provide more clarity in the matter. Although the management of problems is something well more known in the private administration, it is not this that becomes this more easy process for this area, therefore, while in the private companies the problems involve directed small groups in general, in the public administration it is almost always dealt with great and heterogeneous groups. This takes the necessity of a strategical planning differentiated and clear-cut, considering the reality established and with priority in that one or for that group, that is, to observe the culture, the behavior and practical the inherent ones to the group. According to OAK 1, in the process of management of problems, either in the private or public area, some steps must be respected: Control of problems? Control of errors? Proactive prevention of problems? Identification of trends? Revision of main problems Before was detached that the process of management of problems also is proactive, thus being, becomes necessary a division of the previous steps for better understanding. The control of problems and the control of errors are reactive activities carried through by the process of Management of Problems, while, the activities of proactive prevention of problems, identification of trends and revision of main problems are proactive activities, to foresee the problems before they also occur – this division this basing on the OAK summary.

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