It is efficient as cicatrizante in the bruises and cuts and also it is used in lauderings in ' ' flowers brancas' ' (leucorrias) and ulceraes. In gargarejos, she is used against anginas. The use of the resin and leves, in the form of boiled must and tea, is considered depurative of the blood, recommended for combat to the reumatismo and the bronchitis. The seeds are psychoactive. Ornamental plant: they blossom exuberant every year, the flowers they cover all the tree and they exhale excellent perfume, what it very becomes it ornamental and proper for the arborization of parks and squares. Forest restoration: it together presents fast growth, being able to be used to advantage successfully for reforestations of areas degraded with other species of the region. It enriches the ground with nitrogen.
Recommended for replacement of ciliar bush in places without flooding. Agroflorestais systems: good tree for windbreaks, for the fast growth, enrichment of the ground and attraction of bees in the dry station. Used for sombreamento of pastures. Bees: it supplies pollen nectar to the bees at the time more dries of the year. Fodder plant: the green leves or witherings are toxic to the cattle, in consequence of the raised tanning bark text, but they are palatveis for goat and ovinos. In form of hay or droughts, the animals constitute good fodder plant for all.
The fruits also serve of fodder plant. Insecticide: a prepared the highest point of leavend leves of angico can be used in the combat of lizards and ants of roa. Industrial applications: the rind and the seeds, rich in tanning bark, can be used to tan leathers and, at the same time, to give to a red coloring for its high text to them, also, in pigments. They possess use in the industry of plastic, inks and in the works of sounding of petroliferous wells. The gum-resin has industrial applications. Wood of excellent quality, of grating used durability in the civil construction (beams and wooden floors) and naval, also in the confection of dormentes, the use in would marcenaria and carpentry, for moures, doors, windows, furniture, poles, agricultural, tocos constructions, hydraulical and displayed workmanships, carts, jambs, esquadrias, bars, thick packings, laths, esteios, covering of galleries, faqueados, would tilt, carrocerias, gutters for water, wagons and wheels of device, tabuados, axles of bolandeiras. Excellent for confection of fine furniture, giving to them to beautiful effect the dark and red rays of its cerne. One does not send regards very in external workmanships. It supplies to firewood and coal of good quality. It is considered excellent for production of alcohol and coke. It is not adjusted for manufacture of cellulose and paper.