
Support For The Craft

The Rubicon-Institut in Schollkrippen offers apprentice preparation at the latest at the beginning of the new training year many training establishments in Germany again faced a great challenge. Learn more on the subject from Cedars Sinai. The reason: The new apprentices and trainees coming while out of school. But does the knowledge brought from there often to be desired. Many companies therefore have itself once more to send their apprentices in training courses. A Pact concluded that this problem really is one and not highly talked”is, is it recognize that the Central Association of the German trade (ZDH) has made an own training Pact. With this one wants to promote school apprentices together with educational institutions during their training.

ZDH President Otto Kentzler said to picture online: immaturity of education remains a problem and thus a theme for the Pact to the specialist backup. Just by the countries we expect still more effective usage. After all, the situation is improving slowly – currently down the proportion of young people of a year group, which has no high school.” This is no news for Siegfried Eberle, Director of Rubicon Institute in Schollkrippen, welcome. Because educational deficits when apprentices are a problem not only since yesterday. For years, I repeatedly meet trainers, who complain about the level of education of their trainees.

Unfortunately, this topic has slipped again and again but until now under the table. While a sound education for these young people is extremely important. How to learn because occupation-specific things in their doctrine, if partially lack the basis for this? How should a Carpenter apprentice figure out how he needs lots of wood for a wall panels, if he has no idea, how to calculate square feet?” Therefore, Eberle offers the opportunity to fill gaps in their apprentices parallel to their training and to prepare them for the final exam already since a long time company. The companies have the choice between a crash course, in which the package We of the apprentices in the last weeks before their final exam in the vocational school make more once fit, or a long-term course, which is incidental to the training.” More and more companies are recognizing the positive aspects of these courses according to Eberle: first the leaders see only the costs. But if they then realize that the apprentices suddenly much more motivated to work, faster understand what is required of them and write good grades in the school, also working in the company is facilitated enormously. “The courses so both sides do well: the students and the teachers.

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