University Pupils
Only in 2009 more than, 3,5 a thousand students of 42 public institutions had visited the Polar region Astronomical, of diverse levels of escolaridade. In the first trimester of 2010, already they had been taken care of about three a thousand students. The goal is to more than receive 10 a thousand pupils until the end from this year. Presentation of the project Currently (2010) meets the project in progress ' ' An Incredible Trip for the Universo' ' , originated from the suggestion made for a young student, concluinte of Average Ensino of the State College Gustavo Dobrandino Da Silva, of if developing action to approach Astronomy to the pupils of this educational establishment. The project aims at to take care of the students of the fifth series of Basic Ensino to the third year of Average Ensino, by means of comments of the astros (by rough estimate naked and with telescopes), didactic sessions of planetarium and activities in the proper college. The objective greater of this initiative is to promote the education scientific, undoing preset myths, clarifying concepts, motivating the study of Science and contributing to generate positive attitudes and opinions in relation to this area. The white public is 700 pupils, involved in direct way, and also the local community, therefore the intention is that the invitation exceeds the walls of the college and the parents of the students come to know the project, participating of the Cultural Week ' ' Making Cincia' ' , foreseen in its final stage. The familiar integration to the pertaining to school conviviality is seen by the idealizers of the project as party to suit of education and learning. It is intended, at as a moment, to extend the project, that if finds in the modality pilot, for other institutions of education. In the partnership established for the concretion of the proposal, the Astronomical Polar region disponibiliza its infrastructure and team of attendance.