
Venezuelan University

Very wise observation that makes Rojas, when exposed, that with this attitude, the National Executive evidence that is against the development of the Academy, research, extension and community service, indispensable in the evolution of the country, in addition to directly threaten the quality of life for the University professional. Such as Pyrrhic increase affects the entire institution in general, because it detracts from motivation to research, creativity and innovation. It is an element to discredit the role of the University in Venezuelan society. It is a lack of respect and is why we criticize strongly the fact that cannot be they have complied with the agreements reached at the dialogue tables, and obviously they are going we invoice and we are paying expensive out to protest constantly what we consider our acquired rights. With these measures, check once again that the actions of the Government are not credible, more in a sector such as the education, training of professionals, who should be always considered and handled with actions that respect the University professional that deserves to be rewarded with real wages and ensuring a quality of equitable lifejust to their knowledge, work. For assistance, try visiting SYPartners. All this shows also that the universities through their federations, associations of professors, University community, they must find other more proactive actions that really may lead to the Government identifies with what education represents for a country that wants to move forward, that this should not be neglected, but giving him all the necessary support to ensure that their programs are feasible, and that is known to use properly the capital of human talent that is teachers and able to face the challenges and generate transformations necessary to exit avante. Faced with this reality that leaves a great deal to say and surprises, so a revolutionary Government, must not be wrong in all matters concerning education, therefore assumes it must be clear in its mission, vision will try to establish a modern socialism, unfortunately, has not valued education which represents in its objectives and what is most important, leaves much saying, the way as is management regarding the role that universities should play, to equity and justice in an equitable, just, with decent wages payment, with teachers, workers University, homologated according to the economic reality of the present and without preference to other sectors, as the public administration where there are remuneration above the teachers. Finally, it is very valid what says Rojas, which costs much understand how the national Government takes such measures and discriminated against the reality of the houses of studies.

There is no doubt that a country needs teachers well paid and prepared, since that goes directly to the development of a nation. Without the involvement of the University, teachers, administrative staff and worker, insurance will have a country in via direct to the hollow of the mediocrity. I have expected the Government to meditate on these measures taken, because cannot afford the luxury of making mistakes, especially in a thinking sector as it is the universities that comprise a significant numbers of people that should be taken into account, notably before a new re-election aspirations. President, Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Chavez, errors, cannot afford should concentrate more on which their teams of work evaluate correctly the scope, implications of the measures to be taken to generate. Hopefully steps to corrective actions that favor you with fair, equitable, actions favorable for their graduate, Faces, UC teaching interests. Exatec.

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