Brazilian Income
Objective: The present work has for purpose, the literal elaboration in summarized and critical way, presenting the concept of social inaquality, displaying some elements induce that it. Justification: Poverty and social inaquality are social subjects that walk joined and indissociveis, if had become in problems and product of the modern society, in the global direction. They are not of it are of the question the rich countries, being evidenced diverse levels of poverty and social inaquality, however this as problem is developed, over all in countries not developed. Introduction: To define social inaquality is the same that to open a fan that encloses diverse areas going since the inaquality of income, sort, escolaridade until the ones of chances and results, etc. Generalizing the idea of inaquality, the most known and latent, is the economic one, meaning me the distribution income.
For some countries, as Brazil, the problem if becomes a business card, world-wide speaking. Development: Currently, when the food supply finishes in the refrigerator goes to the market of the esquina to cure the problem, if we want to change the canal of the television, is enough to use remote control e, for goes there. This is the context where we live, with comforts, rapidity in the information, things of the globalizado world. Unhappyly, contrasting with the described reality previously, we perceive that in the same quarter where imponent building had been constructed, generally in its periphery, we find slum quarters, beggars for the contradizentes streets, and other situations. To the measure that the society advances, as Marx would say, for the wild capitalism, grows the inaquality generating the poverty and, this in turn is determined by the aggregate scarcity of resources and me the income distribution. We perceive that in the Brazilian context, the inaquality is inheritance of the colonizadores, where the same ones brought new ways of work, in order it exhausting extration of resources, being that who worked did not receive therefore, the slaves; or they received less from what they produced, the workers immigrants.