
Byron Bay Skin

Unfortunately, our generation was told that getting suntan was healthy (whom you can sue for those lies?). She also has to do her skin very closely to ensure that catches any cancerous changes. Solariums, a cheaper alternative? Apart from also causing serious skin damage in the long run, how much is the cost in terms of money? A single session is on average about $ 15, so lets see: Create your tan safely: about 5 sessions, then two sessions per week to maintain tan that way. First month: 9 sessions (5 to build a tan + 4 to maintain the tan) at $ 15 each = $ 135. Months (8 sessions) = $ 120 per month What is spray tanning? The beauty of this method is that if you spray tan regularly the skin gets used to the tanning solution and maintained for long.

It takes about 3 sessions 5 days apart for your skin to this time (but you will be wonderfully brown right after the first session), after which (if to complement the tanning spray with as wider product) only need a spray tanning session every two weeks. First month: 4 sessions (3 to get your skin used for the solution + 1 to maintain the tan) at $ 50 each = $ 200 months (2 sessions) = $ month 100per Thus, after the higher initial cost that will save money and certainly a lot of time on trips to the hairdresser. Of course, by the way you will save thousands and thousands of dollars in products for skin care repair sun damage. In addition, you will have a very low chance of developing skin cancer. The above prices are a guide only, different rooms have different charges, but most classrooms will have packages, where you can save even more.

If spray tanning not only gives you such a great burst of skin damage and cancer, but it is also cheaper compared with other methods, does not make sense to change? Come on. Make your skin a favor, and try spray tanning. For advice and a lot of spray tanning tips visit Boshena TanXtreme is an owner of a spray tanning studio in Byron Bay, Australia and author of spray tanning guide.

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