Centrifugal Pump
An important advantage of pumps in comparison with elektroanalogami – full autonomy and independence from the presence of voltage. They operate on gasoline or diesel fuel. All pumps are equipped with four-stroke engines, very reliable and environmentally friendly. They are very compact, high efficiency – up to 1000 liters per minute. Pumps are divided into three main groups: standard, high-pressure and cleaning. They are used to organize battery supply at their summer cottage or a private home. More rapidly they can use fire, builders to pump water from ditches, utilities, with floods and emergency response.
The popularity of these pumps have earned through their own ability to give an authoritative head and lift water to great heights. Powerful and economical pumps provided in our range, guarantee years uninterrupted work, not bad clever design ensures fast and efficient result standing in front of you problems. Pumps, in essence, centrifugal pumps, only equipped with diesel or petrol engine, which makes them totally autonomous and mobile (in addition to stationary pumps ACCESORIES). The operating principle of pumps entirely analogous to conventional electric centrifugal pumps, which pumped water fills blades 2-disk rotating wheel and by the centrifugal force created by rotating the pressure difference is pushed into the cavity of the pump and further – to the output hose. On the inlet pipe pumps installed mesh filter, cells that determines the size fractions of fluid (clean, contaminated water, thick consistency). The choice of pumps is the height of its location above the level of abstraction, since more of the most powerful pumps, without additional equipment is unable to pump water more than 8 meters in height. The second aspect is the choice of the required performance pumps.
For watering the garden / garden usually lacks a low-capacity pumps with gasoline engine and the performance of order 2 tys.l / min. If you need more water flow, or the need to periodically pump out badly contaminated water, it is better to buy pumps with diesel engine, which handles more dense environments easier thanks to higher speed of the motor. Pumps with diesel engines have a great lifespan, which determines the time of pumps to repair. But gasoline motor pump Kiev running much quieter and is certainly less. Therefore, the purchase pumps with diesel or gasoline engine has to decide each owner himself on the basis of specific conditions of the pumps