El Dorado
Many issues related to the prehistoric past and the river Tsny. To date, however, as a hundred years ago, the banks and flattering Zhitnik Wide channels (so-called sleeve that separates the island of El Dorado on the north side) remains a favorite spot for residents of the city of Tambov. The native channel Tsny on this site is 30-50 meters wide. The depth of the river near the dam 8.6 meters, and closer to the bridge Saratov 2-3 meters, flow rate – less than 0.1 m / sec. Throughout this section of the river its banks thickly overgrown with willows and alder, tree branches down to a solid wall of water itself. Since the beginning of since a large island on all sides by canals and river washed riverbed Tsny is called El Dorado (Spanish for – beautiful). In past years, the Sunday summer days, many preferred to rest in the country.
The townspeople were attracted to the island of El Dorado, where it was possible to sail down the river on large, multi-boats. Habit of resting on the island of El Dorado residents remained loyal to Mr. Tambov and in the NEP years, with the only difference is that at the time they pleasure getting to the island on a barge, which took on board several dozen guests. During the war, even on hot summer days, beaches Tsna as old-timers remember, remained deserted. In the 50s again rest on the Tsna has become popular among city dwellers. Special raspostronenie received boating.
By the early '60s in the city of Tambov in personal property were registered several thousand boats. Hereby it became an obsession hobby motor boats. Over time, the fashion for motorboats passed, and the river began to appear more and more chains kayaks. By 1975, city officials conducted extensive work on clearing the channel Tsny in Tambov. At the time when clearing the southern waters of the channel were washed out all of the islands, who were between the island of El Dorado and the city the river banks. As a result, to the delight of thousands of residents there was a great body of water, became known informally Tambov sea. By Material guide Tambov. A. Gorelov, J. K. Shchukin