

Quotation also that global the average consumption must fall of current the 9 annual tons per capita for something in lathe de5 the 6 tons. It has positive an intrinsic linking enters the reduction of the poverty and the rational management of natural resources and ecosystems, had the flows of benefits of natural capital that are received directly by the poor persons. It is particularly important in poor countries, where ecossistmicos merchandises and services are a great component of the lives of poor agricultural communities and provide to a net of security against natural disasters and economic shocks. In accordance with the simulations of the report of the Pnuma, a scene of green investment would reach annual taxes of business-oriented growth higher than the habitual scene, in a space of time between 5 and 10 years. This economic growth is characterized for a significant desacoplamento in ambient impacts, with global the ecological footprint on the biocapacidade tax being able to decline of the current level of 1,5 for less than 1,2 up to 2050, much more next one to the sustainable limit of 1. The global demand for energy would have a fast addition, but it would return to the current levels up to 2050, what it means a reduction of about 40% in relation to the waited one in the habitual scene business-oriented, thanks to advances substanciaisem energy efficiency. Umpanorama of green investment is projected to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide of energy in about one tero up to 2050, in comparison to the current levels. The atmospheric concentration of effect gases greenhouse must be kept below of 450 particles for million – ppm, up to 2050, to limit a2Co average increase of temperature. One room of the green investments analyzed by the report of the Pnuma ( 0.5% of the GIP or US$ 325 billions) would be placed the sectors of natural capital: forestry, agriculture, drinking waters and fish.

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