Legal Costs and Justice
Yes! Have listened carefully, I'm in for a kick. That is not a potato, you kick and only costs 900 euros. (Rise of the force of right or left leg, leading the toe "shoe" to the testicles of the above). Of course I am not a militant, but if I have the assurance that it will be the same judge and the same court that will judge me, that is, those who have tried the PNV member having kicked, I have no doubts. It aims to give the kick! But that if that is the same judge, lest you then touch another judge me and then we rolled. I climb the fine and compensation and not many things more …
Y. .. I leave the accounts … What we know as the courts play here, something that often call spread justice, when you look at the judgments seem to be something of "lottery." Now that we bail out the banks, this will give me credit for having a good lawyer and money to meet legal costs, because what they said about the free access to justice is only paying lip and as to things. Do not think I am violent, but the taste that it would take to kick our beloved president, and for just 900 euros!. It would be too nice! to be true. There is another alternative if the dealer will not want to fund the kick to our President, could mount an auction to fund the process.
What does that tell you: I am optimistic! And I think if an auction amount even get more money to keep kicking over chairs, which have, we have a lot. Do not you know?. After what has been called the "transition" have mushroomed. Hey, that if you let us kick our presidents, and only have to pay 900 euros, will be in line to do so. And if I hurry, I give them the job (remember I'm not violent), but how are you and what opportunities this price, bargains are hard to refuse.