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Bronchoforton melts in your mouth Berlin, 09 February 2011 sucking lozenges and the common cold. On average two to four times a year, it caught everyone. Typical cold symptoms such as spasms of coughing, runny nose and mucilage paralyze man and woman not only in the winter time. Bronchoforton offers immediately a special helper for colds and coughs: Bronchoforton -sucking lozenges on the first and only drug sucking tablet of Germany Ivy base. Special: Only twice daily taking loosen Bronchoforton the phlegm sucking lozenges, alleviate the coughing spasms and impressively high, natural effectiveness and pleasant Cassisgeschmack for diabetic suitable. Without the irritating smell of essential oils, they are also practical for travelling.

Ivy medicinal plant of the year 2010 “with potential for diseases of the bronchi and respiratory already ancient doctors used Ivy leaves and Ivy fruits in chronic inflammatory bronchial diseases. Today offer Bronchoforton -sucking lozenges on the basis of Ivy leaves extract cold relief. Ivy is antispasmodic schleim – and at the same time offering so the special combination, to get rid of tough cough phlegm and annoying coughing spasms. Bronchoforton is targeted assistance for day time and night, the strong smell of essential oils to says not every nose. Therefore, it is just during the day makes sense to have discreet help for relief of cold symptoms at hand. Bronchoforton -sucking lozenges are odour-free and must be taken only twice a day.

Just gereiztem and sore throat pleasantly melt the sucking lozenges tasting to Cassis (black currant) pleasantly in the mouth and save to the throat. The Bronchoforton ointment as a supplement is suitable for the evening and the night. The ointment contains three herbal ingredients: eucalyptus oil facilitates the expectoration and has. Pine needle oil and peppermint oil work both bacteria-resistant and also enhance the Cough up. Bronchoforton entrenched caused 90 percent of all colds in the cold therapy about by viruses. Big guns such as antibiotics help because not because they target only infections caused by bacterial. To the relief of colds, regardless their causes, Bronchoforton pure vegetable products have proven themselves for over 20 years because they are effective and well tolerated. MSRP (pharmacy retail price) from Bronchoforton sucking lozenges, 20 units: 6.32 more information with valuable tips about get in the theme of cold, as well as the effect of medicinal herbs on Winthrop Arzneimittel GmbH Winthrop is a member of the sanofi-aventis Group and responsible within this leading group for the distribution of generic products and selected OTC products. Winthrop Arzneimittel GmbH is among the leading manufacturers of generics in Germany. The man and his health are available in the Philosophy at the heart of all activities. Bronchoforton -sucking lozenges application areas: the improvement d. complaints b. chronic entzundl. Bronchial disease and colds d. respiratory tract. Active ingredient: Trockenextr. a. Ivy leaves. Note: because the maltitol content unsuitable for patients with inherited fructose intolerance. Not suitable for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

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