State Medical University – Department Of Surgery
Department of Surgery Clinic at the current level of diagnosis and treatment of the following diseases: Diseases of the esophagus Examination and conservative treatment of esophageal strictures, and prepare patients for Operations on the esophagus. Diseases of the stomach and intestines. Examination and endoscopic surgery for stomach and intestinal diseases of the gallbladder and bile duct examination and preparation for surgery strictures of the bile ducts. Performing endovideohirurgicheskih operations in the hospital one day. Treatment of hernia of the abdominal wall survey and prepare patients for surgery in recurrent hernias using synthetic plastic materials morbid obesity and hyperlipidemia survey and preparation of patients for operations partially ileoshuntirovaniya, gastroplasty and gastric banding surgery in the clinic of the faculty at the present level of diagnosis and treatment of the following diseases: Coronary heart disease is a brain examination of patients and training for operations in the arteries of the aortic arch, extra-intrakarotidnomu bypass.
Diseases of veins and lymph vessels of the extremities examination and preparation of patients for at kavaklipirovaniyu embologennyh phlebemphraxis survey and preparation, as well as the imposition of microsurgical lympho-venous anastomoses in postmastektomicheskih edema of the upper limbs in hospital out-patient one-day execution of operations with varicose veins with the use of low-traumatic and cosmetic technology. Catheter flebosklerobliteratsiya, injection sclerotherapy. Diagnosis of diseases and injuries of the maxillofacial area and neck, using the most modern techniques (CT, NMRI, ultrasound, X-ray examination, radioisotope study, microbiological, cytological, etc.). All kinds of surgical interventions in the maxillofacial region, head, neck, including: The infectious and inflammatory processes in traumatic damage in benign and malignant tumors for defects and deformities reconstructive including using microtechnology and surgical training in oral Prosthetics Aesthetic Facial Surgery Surgical treatment of deformities of bite Laser surgery operations are performed by doctors and candidates of medical sciences, physicians, the highest category. Anesthesia is performed as highly effective local anesthetic, and safe general anesthesia (anesthesia). If required by fibrobronhoskopicheskaya intubation.
Complex treatment of patients with diseases of the salivary glands TMJ chronic infectious and inflammatory processes, ability to perform surgical procedures at the border states: In conjunction with the ENT specialists together with vascular Together with surgeons, neurosurgeons Unique Rehabilitation Complex: Physiotherapy Physiotherapy Treatment Apparatus Consulting professors, associate professors, assistant chair, and most qualified clinic: Mikhail Soloviev – MD, ZDN Russian Federation, professor – cancer surgery, teeth-jaw-facial anomalies, surgical treatment of bite deformities Krivolutskaya Elena G. – PhD, Associate Professor – treatment of neuritis and neuralgia, treatment of diseases of the salivary glands Kalakutsky Nicolai – PhD, Associate Professor – reconstructive surgery using microtechnology, dental implants Alehova Tatiana M. – PhD, Associate Professor – treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases Chloe Matin Vera – PhD, associate professor of treatment of diseases of the salivary glands, diseases of the temporo-mandibular joints Yaremenko Andrei Ilyich – MD, PhD docent treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases Chloe treatment of diseases of the salivary glands, diseases of the temporo-mandibular joints, dental implants, treatment of traumatic injuries Kirillov Andrey Leonidovich – doctor the highest category – treatment of tumors of the salivary glands, neyroplastika, surgical preparation of the dentition orthodontic treatment Chebotarev Efron – MD, physician of the highest category – cancer surgery, teeth-jaw-facial anomalies, surgical treatment of deformities of occlusion, reconstructive surgery of the midface, Treatment of traumatic injuries of Chloe, dental implants Petrov Nikolai L. – PhD, MD the highest category – Ultrasound diagnosis of diseases of Chloe and neck, laser surgery Cherednikova Irina – the highest category doctor – plastic surgery