Street Jambo Colonel
In interview, Geraldo Simes de Almeida, paraibano born in the city of Battalion, day 05 of April of 1928, it counts that the Parnamirim in 1944 arrived, liveed in the house of its Severino brother and its Djanira brother-in-law, in the house of the Street Jambo Colonel, that was neighboring of the left side of the old house of Z Magalhes, in the way that followed for the Well of the Door; e, of the right side was neighboring with Julieh Magalhes. At the time, according to it counts, only oldest and colonists still called the city Leopoldina, therefore he was common, in the fair, to hear: ' ' I come all tera to the Leopoldina' '. Geraldo, still young worked with Severino and Djanira during five years in Parnamirim and the Surubim Farm. It remembers funny tickets that oldest of the time counted and that the majority spoke of Leopoldina as a thing of the past that if wanted to forget and that she was on to the previous politics of the Agra and influence of the leaders of neighboring cities of the families Sampaio and Alencar. When arriving the Parnamirim, it heard rumors on Antonio de S, father of Djanira. Second it counts, the commentary of the time was that? Doza? e? Robe of Dondon de Bja was brothers of Djanira, on the part of father. This seemed to confirm itself when Antonio de S, before dying, presenteou Dondon and Bja with a house of the Street Jambo Colonel. Of its souvenirs the Street detaches ambm Priest Rasp that Aquino followed of the house of Geraldo until the Caldas Rank, that was also important reference for ox-drivers, traders and travellers of the time. This because beyond the rendering of services of the gas station, the Caldas family and the Freire family they brought cattle of the Piau to vender in Parnamirim.