

Amate and you will find your own treasure, you will thus create your good physical health and spiritual, begins to fill your life with love, find your own freedom. You’re worthy of that will happen, you deserve it. You’ll find yourself in the way of interior lighting. And as you go by releasing, help your environment and the total universe. Your attempts and determination will give you new signals about yourself and you will enable to make new choices. Each new choice you make will be as if you planted a seed in your new spiritual garden.

They may need care and time to germinate and thrive, never gets instantly a tree. In life you will receive what we emit is like the ECHO, we are responsible for all the experiences of our lives, the best and the worst. All the thoughts that we are creating our future. Each of us creates his own experience with things that think and the words that says. Beliefs are ideas and thoughts that we accept as truths. What we think about ourselves and the world becomes truth to us. What we decide to believe can expand and enrich our world. Every day can be an exciting, joyous and hopeful experience, but you can also leave us a balance of sadness, limitation and pain.

Two people who live in the same environment, in the same circumstances, can perceive life very differently. What they can take us from one to another of these worlds? I am convinced that our beliefs are. When we are willing to change the primary structure of our beliefs, we can then experience a real change in our lives. Whatever beliefs you have about yourself and about the world, recalls are only thoughts, ideas, and ideas can be changed. Our subconscious accepts everything that we decided to believe. The Universal power never judges us or criticizes us. Limited to accept us for our own value. If you have a belief that you limits, that belief will become your truth. If you think you’re too low, too fat, too there is Louise. . It is likely that you are not of agree with some of the ideas that interest me let’s study together. Perhaps some of them will be strange and disturbing. Do not worry. Only those that are appropriate for you will come to form part of your own being. Perhaps you think that some of the techniques that I propose are too simple or silly, and that it is not possible to give result. The only thing that I ask is that you put them to test. Our subconscious accepts everything that we decided to believe. The Universal power never judges us or criticizes us. Limited to accept us for our own value. If you have a belief that you limits, that belief will become your truth. If you think that you are too low, too fat, too tall, too list (or not enough), too rich or too poor, or you’re unable to interact with people, then those beliefs will become your truth. Remember that we are talking about thoughts, and the thoughts you can change. Our options with respect to what we think are limitless, and the moment of power is always this moment, the present.

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