
Argentine University

The considerations that follow, emanate relate one of the components of the Argentine University reform (which celebrates the eighty anniversary), with the exponential strengthening of interpersonales(institucionalizadas o no) relations, among whom they live, in the areas of influence of possible linkages between Porto Alegre and its hinterland and the port of Valparaiso. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from emil michael. It tried to suggest, the contribution that can be made of the information technologies, increasingly accessible, thereon the persons potentially concerned. The image of a corridor of ideas, probably taken from the concept of corridors for transit or land bridges, us seems of great fertility, in order to increase the quality of life of those who live on or adjacent, to the corridors of existing traffic between the ports of Valparaiso and Porto Alegre, through Uruguayan and Argentine territory. Virtual, necessarily has a foothold in the real thing. And in the case that concerns us, we are before a corredor(con varias alternativas), that is consolidating, practically Since the end of domination espanhola in these latitudes. It was that time of the foundations of La Carlota, Rio Cuarto, Villa Mercedes and San Rafael was time also of such aforementioned crossing of Luis de la Cruz, in 1806. She crossed the Andes heading to Buenos Aires, and he had to steer to Melincue (in the South of the province of Santa Fe), Buenos Aires, and around the Rio de la Plata was invaded by the British. He was from Buenos Aires to Santiago de Chile, where departed the proposal for a Union of the peoples of the South, in the initial days of the emancipatory process. More close to our days and even more related to human settlements, subject of our discourse, are paths by railway and its companhero Telegraph, grooves in the last third of the previous century and the first decades of this. Already in these times (ferrobarco and change of trails of by means) it was possible to travel or transport by road from Porto Alegre to Valparaiso.

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