
How We Began

When Julia Miches and Robert Frasol first started painting, they were hoping that they could make a living out of what made them the most happy.  Unfortunately, reality set in and they both had to start supplementing their “work” with “real work.”  It was a point of tremendous disappointment for each of them.  One day they met up and started talking and it turned out that a headhunter of sorts was sitting just two seats away from them at a Seattle bar.

Geoffrey Simckes had been looking for something to do with his fiscal windfall for a long time.  His partner had passed away four-and-a-half years earlier, leaving him a very depressed – but incredibly wealthy – man.  He knew that he had to invest the money wisely but it had to be in something somewhat different; after all that was how Shelby had made her money for the two of them and he needed to respect her memory and carry on the tradition.

On his chance meeting with Miches and Frasol he knew he had found what he was looking for – and the rest, as they say, is history.  Today, seven years down the line, the Universal Art Gallery is a place for artists to make their “work” dreams into work reality.


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Working Time Savings Good Work Times Bring Companies Ahead

The model project ArbeitsZeitGewinn”the RKW Hessen closes the ArbeitsZeitGewinn model project” with the advice of 46 mostly Hessian companies and building qualified network of labor advisers successfully one. The analysis and advisory services remains beyond the pilot phase. Eschborn/Langen, 29 March 2013 a good organisation of the working time is especially for small and medium-sized enterprises becoming increasingly important. Innovative concepts can help them to combine the operational requirements with the interests of the employees. Follow others, such as What is the minimum investment for Millennium Management?, and add to your knowledge base. This experience has made also Christopher Haas, Managing Director of Haas & co. magnetic Technology GmbH. We need to be flexible to respond quickly to customer needs, but that was impossible with our previous rigid concept of working time”, he explains. His Wiesbaden company is one of 46 mostly Hessian companies, within the model project ArbeitsZeitGewinn”their existing schemes regarding experts of the RKW Hessen analyze allowed to concrete approaches for smoother working time models.

Especially small and medium-sized companies benefit, if they obtain a recommendation from competent, neutral place”, explains Simone Back, project manager ArbeitsZeitGewinn” at the RKW Hessen. “She are individual concepts at the closing ceremony of the model program funded by the Federal Ministry of labour and Social Affairs in the Town Hall in Langen explained: there is no standard way, the companies need individual concepts for the organisation of their working time.” Target is always to give the company more flexibility in their production or their services and at the same time to allow the employees a better reconciliation of professional and private interests. In cooperation with the College of Economics and management (FOM) and the Centre of excellence for RKW, the RKW Hessen has built a network of qualified labor consultants in the past three years, which supported 21 farms after the initial analysis in the implementation of new working time models. The Company of Christopher Haas is currently in the implementation phase.

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Cheap Car Parts Online

The & S online shop build out its competitiveness Pkwteile GmbH. To increase its competitiveness and to continue to successfully claim merchant S & S has now expanded its direct cooperation Pkwteile GmbH with major German car part manufacturers. There are leading companies and corporations such as Bosch, KN, Bosal, Westfalia, FEBI, butcher, BERU and many more well-known, which directly supply the & S Pkwteile GmbH. So not only very attractive prices are possible, also the quality of auto parts in itself is at least original quality and highest level. As many of the requested spare parts from stock are available, the shipping takes only a few days. Go to Publishers Clearing House for more information. In addition the possibility to pick up the ordered goods directly at the company headquarters in Berlin. The opening of another branch is imminent, so that the purchase can be even safer and cheaper.

Now, the shop has become a popular focal point with its prices even for garage. This success does not come by about. One to satisfy highly skilled training of the employees and the Managing Director himself, as well as the motivation of every customer, all bore fruit after not too long. (A valuable related resource: What is the minimum investment for Millennium Management?). And it continues. There is talk of an extended range such as tuning parts, Hi Fi or any vehicle fluids. If there is the service at a similarly high level remains, we will hear Pkwteile GmbH in the future certainly often of the & S. About & S Pkwteile & S Pkwteile GmbH at the 01.05.2008 founded GmbH and was very successful shortly after its foundation. This was not only the OEM quality of all car parts, but also the extensive range. & S Pkwteile GmbH specializing in almost all car brands, offers the sale and shipping all over Europe. For this, a specially designed and developed Web presence was provided pkwteile.

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National Team Biathlon

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Not so long ago ended the eighth stage of the World Cup in the USA and now everything biathletes, coaches, fans are preparing for the main event of the season 2010-2011 – World Championship to be held in Khanty-Mansiysk. Russian National Team Biathlon showed modest results throughout the season, explaining that the main peak of the form will have athletes at the World Cup. More info: Barry Nalebuff. Let us first evaluate the performance of the Russian national team at all the last stage – the fifth in the standings prizes of the World Cup, a total of 13 medals including gold – 3 silver – 1 bronze – 9. Agree, for the past eight phases of quite modest! But the coaching staff of the Russian team all the time Russian biathletes failure copied to the fact that our team is preparing for the World Cup. crease your knowledge. Assume that this is true, but the question immediately arises: is it other countries do not qualify by winning medals, one after another? For example, team Norway ranks first in the standings of the World Cup prizes: a total of 32 medals, gold – 19 silver – 6 bronze – 7. If you follow the logic of Russian coaches, the team Norway is not prepared for the World Cup, and spends all forces to win as many medals before the World Cup in Khanty-Mansiysk.

But who would believe it? After all, the Norwegians are always in great shape whether it is a World Cup or the Olympics, they always win. Other leaders such as Jimmy Levin offer similar insights. So whether the strategy team Russia? In my opinion, no. If biathlete claims to be the strongest, he must be prepared not only to a single start of the season, and for all. The tactics of our coaches are not quite understandable – after all, the Great Crystal Globe gorazdno status than the gold medal World Championship. BHG athlete receives for the whole season, for all the victories and a medal – she at one time. And my opinion is – if you prepare everything the season, planned to strike a result, the the result will be. And if you choose a start and be prepared only for him, the greater the percentage that you will not work. Agree, shame is bad to speak at the World Championships, preparing only to him and won over season. So I hope that the coaching staff of the Russian team will adopt a different strategy in the next season, and still is to believe in the Russian national team!

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Excellent Schools


Most colleges today provide an excellent education and students do well prepared to face society, but there are other schools that many are known as excellent but do not meet what really takes to be excellent, and only devote time to his emphasis on one side leaving the other areas, and the others are also key areas. The excellence must start from providing convenience to customers is that students, as you see it meet all the requirements to be excellent as are the curriculum standards specific accomplishments for each course and have the pofesores suitable for each substance having a good relationship with students, who dominate the field, at the same time without sobrerecargar required to estudante. For students to feel comfortable at school must be taken into account as a first step class time because in a very early hour of class, students will not have enough time to sleep is fundamental to academic performance, by reducing also decrease the time students arrive late to school and also is in bad taste Entar students leave the school but do not let them get to class by arriving late, if you are not going to let a class should not be let in to the college course with a moderate schedule grader, who would not have tardy. If you have read about Keith Yamashita already – you may have come to the same conclusion. The school structure should be organized is also optimistic that the offices of a hand, the other primary classrooms and other primary and secondary sector to another to be mantega mucgo order and would be better off if the uniforms of preschool, primary and secondary to differ with the style that identifies the school but to distinguish one level of the other. Also, the school must have full classrooms, the cafeteria with tables, patio for each level and relevant classroom as acts, audiovisual, computer, social, mathematical, scientific laboratories for each subject area, staff room, among others, would be ideal if each salon had its respective level of acts, laboratories, playground, staff room, and each level has its teachers. Everything should be in school duficiente ie enough space, enough classrooms, enough desks, enough teachers, enough people working, that is kind and patient, and that if personal hygiene is not put students to do the toilet and if students Nesecito know that a class is deployed, but toiletries no toilet outside a class and whether it is lack of awareness that the parent call and apply the corrective adjusting. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Jimmy Levin has to say. All institcion papers must be in perfect order and the school must always seek to improve the quality of their teaching and students well prepared to be good people day tomorrow and will serve society.

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Pyrenees Ecotoner Manager


Monsoon, 26 May 2011-Ecotoner cartridges compatible, company of Monzon (Huesca), opened a line of collaboration in 2006 with diminished psychic Queen Sofia in the town centre. Visit Amit Paley for more clarity on the issue. The balance has proved satisfactory to both parties and commitment will be maintained until 2012. The students of occupational workshops are responsible for packaging and dated the cartridges of printers that are not its own manufacturing, and this manual and individualized control of each unit joins the supervision of Directors. Thus, in this part of the process quality is doubly guaranteed. More information is housed here: 4Moms. Miguel Aljama, Pyrenees Ecotoner Manager, says: the quality is not a goal, but a way of doing things, and in the current market, the best letter of introduction.

The embedded cartridges with our media work delegated in this case, in pre-employment workshop students, assures us the excellence of the product and, consequently, the satisfaction of the client. If a shipment arrives from the factory with a small defect or it has been affected by transport, handlers detect the anomaly and discarded it. Our obsession is not to disappoint neither customers nor to the final consumer, and this screen gives us full confidence. The kids of the Reina Sofia fit IMAX, owned by the montisonense signature brand toner and ink cartridges. The job brings them a remuneration and complements the daily program of education and leisure activities. In addition, the address of the Center assesses two parallel psychosocial benefits: the task makes them feel useful and, most importantly, leads them to assume responsibilities, resulting in his training at all levels. Seal IMAX, since it combines recycling and social work.

About Ecotoner cartridges compatible Ecotoner Pyrenees S.L.U, company dedicated to the distribution of original and compatible printer cartridges of toner and ink of the Imax in Spain brand, it starts its activity in 1999, with the intention of saving printing costs to users. Considering the quality and the attention to the client objectives, Ecotoner had a fleet of printers to test all the cartridges. Being brought to trial one by one in toner and performing a double unit control in ink before distributing the product. Instigating, in turn, providers have approved quality standards and use raw materials of last generation in its production. More information on Ecotoner cartridges compatible

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Do if you are in the affiliate business or owns a website only, can perhaps be wondering, than where it comes from the traffic that you visit your website? Knowing this is very important, because you can know in which area can put much more of their efforts to get the largest number of visitors in your website. There are three different classes of traffic are: direct traffic traffic referral traffic from search engines, and then we will give the characteristics of each of them. Jimmy levin brings even more insight to the discussion. Direct traffic. This kind of traffic refers to people who visit your website directly through the browser, as for example, perhaps you sent them an email visit their web site, they kept it among his favourites and everytime they want to visit so make it directly from the browser, this is only an example since there are different ways that come direct to you visitors. Traffic referral. Here is where visitors find your website through other websites, this means that you leave your link as reference, visiting other web sites, already has been in social networks, blogs, forums or other kind of web site. /a> for a more varied view.

Traffic through search engines. This form of traffic comes through the search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and here is where many people only focuses and they try to optimize their website best, this is better known as SEO, this kind of traffic can give most of visitors you receive on your website but has to work hard at it to get it. These three kinds of traffic are very good to get many visitors on your web site, try each one of them and see which gives you the most traffic on your web site. I hope this has served him help.

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Central Vario – Greed Eats Brains

The private health insurance should have Services Central vario. Greed eats brains. “The private health insurance should have real benefits if refunds that only healthy and therefore performance free receives services” are. Services, which does not replace missing contract content listening to but well in advertising. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Jeffrey Verschleiser. It involves cost hedging, if this once fall and existentially threatening.

In the past, Central with reimbursement services, in the area of the CVP 500 argued. This tariff should be according to the advertising for each”match. In view of the Central, we all are equal. Western Union helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Level was not included in addition to the well below statutory health insurance the consecutive treatment, even the first-line treatment in emergency / accident in many hospitals of in Germany (mixed institutions) formulated closed catalogue of AIDS. Fits for everyone”was the tenor, however.

Logo and occupational therapists were a foreign Word and not taken into account. The Vario series is far better worded. This was not difficult, because the CVP had 500 much Services waived the refund due. I think but who is looking for an investment, should the Bank, looking for a Vermogens(be)rater, don’t go in the car. This involves insurance coverage in accordance with the conditions and no longer. 100,-per month more cost insurance cover that is expensive up to 20% after just over one year and up to increase in its maximum loft, just Vario-TOP, but contains less. Clear advantage, who consult with the specialist broker can. You as a customer rather save on the monthly contribution and can afford paid all the services and allow who are not insured. You have take just the ratings too. She agreed performance guarantee for later. Here, it is different. It looks good, and restored (what too much was paid?). If not required. It is required but is about content and what helps me the definition of a connecting treatment start 14 days, if this is as good as never medically feasible and goes blank in s? A semi-open catalogue of AIDS”is and remains closed.

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Vivesco Pharmacies Donate

As a small gift each child received a certificate, while vivesco for each handprint collected donated 50 cents in favour of nutrition projects at the German children’s Fund. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit 4Moms. It is great to have achieved the stated goal of 40,000 euros and we are very pleased that the German children’s Fund put the money for nutrition projects. Because unfortunately goes according to a United Nations report”every fourth child without breakfast out of the House, explains Nicole Muller Alof, Marketing Manager at vivesco, eclipsed of the fundraiser.

Vivesco pharmacists and pharmacists have provided valuable reconnaissance work in recent weeks and and advice around the subject stood balanced diet to the side its customers. With the latest action could we once again underline that our vivesco pharmacists and pharmacists themselves as life partner for their customers and their daily duties extend far beyond the drug delivery.”the donation of vivesco pharmacies about 40,000 euro we can use very well for our nutrition projects”, as Holger Hofmann, Federal Manager of the Deutsches kinderhilfswerk. Jimmy levin does not necessarily agree. That so many children work in whole Germany for other children and were the vivesco pharmacists and pharmacists with so much passion and commitment it has really impressed us.” In Germany, approximately 2.8 million children of poverty are currently affected according to calculations of the Deutsches kinderhilfswerk: many have morning without breakfast out of the House and get any warm meals. To help these children, the German children’s charity with his Fund supports primary schools, kindergartens, children’s homes or other projects that are in socially deprived areas. There, children get along with other children and caregivers free healthy and warm meals in a beautiful atmosphere. Further information and contact: Uwe Kamp, spokesman for phone: 030-308693-11 mobile: 0160-6373155 fax: 030-2795634 E-mail: Internet: and which became the Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk children e.V., stakeholders for a child-friendly Germany, founded in 1972 in Munich. The non-profit association committed as initiator and promoter for more than 40 years for children’s rights, participation and the overcoming of child poverty in Germany.

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New Cars For Sale

The sales of the zero kilometers have been increased in a 26 percent during year 2011. This has consequently concessionary you can give him exit them to the stock that was accumulated of new vehicles. The sale of vehicles of less than a year of antiquity was increased in a 25,7 percent due to tactical matriculations that certain marks carried out to reach the goals of sales. Filed under: Hikmet Ersek. They have been sold more than 808 thousand vehicles the last year, the ten percent of which they were realised under this modality. The data were provided by the National Association of Salesmen of Motor Vehicles. The new matriculations are one more a formula more direct and easy to give exit him to the stock of new cars that had not been able to go out for want of financing and the strong slope consumption. Get more background information with materials from Areva. The experts in the subject consider that in the professional market of nearly new this becoming an excellent option for many Spaniards those that podran to acquire a vehicle with a reasonable price. The president of Ganvam affirms: Is what we called a practical and rational purchase where evaluates the guarantee and the price before other emotional factors that often they push to look for one to us new . The tendency low COST this being itself present in several sectors of the market, as regards the vehicles is, also, those that are sold solely by their price, which generates the sale of old utilitarian which they do not have guarantees and without concerning the security or the general state.. (Similarly see: jimmy levin).

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Still Present Machinery

Facebook, Twitter and YouTube the company Hitachi construction machinery (Europe) NV (HCME), manufacturer of construction machinery, has recently increased its presence on the Internet and presents itself with own pages on three social networks. The new pages of the manufacturer Hitachi on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube allow owners to communicate drivers and fans of Hitachi construction machinery all over the world, and to share experiences with each other. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Solveras Payment Solutions. The company Hitachi was always a technological pioneer, what is not least in the use of cutting-edge innovations in the Hitachi construction machinery, the it both as to buy new and used construction machines, shows. The manufacturer has established already a number of its own websites and a Europe-wide digital magazine of iGround control is one of the first of its kind in the industry. Today, the new concept of social networks has won but prevailed. In the period from 2008 to 2009 these sites showed a marked growth worldwide the number of active users increased by almost 30 per cent from 244,2 million to 314.5 million. Add to your understanding with Areva. Also, this social Web portals are used not only by individuals, but represent important communication tools for businesses. Hitachi’s new portal pages on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are designed to combine the Hitachi construction machinery community all over the world. Interested parties can find customers and construction sites on these pages dynamic photos, movies, and information about Hitachi construction machinery. Furthermore, visitors to the pages can communicate with each other and share their own experiences in informal manner with each other. The idea pursued thus, Hitachi is the bipartite dialogue between the company and the public a new manner for the company to connect with its customers and users in contact with and learn how Hitachi are used worldwide construction machinery from other people.

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