
Color Toric Contacts – Good News For People With Astigmatism

If you have astigmatism does not mean you're stuck with glasses. These days there are special contact lenses called "toric", developed especially for people with astigmatism. And what is even more output – you can also use color toric contacts. Discover what toric contact lenses are available and color would be best for you. The difference between a regular contact lens and a toric lens is that rings have two powers, (one for astigmatism, the other for myopia or hyperopia ").

Also, the objective is usually heavier at the bottom to avoid turning into the eye. The material used for toric color contacts is the same as for regular contacts – which may be soft or RGP (rigid gas permeable). RGP lenses usually do not come in color varieties, however, because the goal is smaller than the iris (the colored part of eye). So when talking about color toric contact lenses, discuss only soft toric contact lenses. What color toric contacts are available? For now widely available brand name colored toric contacts only are Freshlook Colorblends by Ciba Vision. Freshlook Colorblends are opaque color contacts, which means they are equally suitable for people with light eyes or dark eyes. Freshlook Colorblends toric offers green, blue, gray and honey colors. View photos of people wearing color toric contacts by Freshlook.

Some made toric color contacts can also be made, upon request. Naturally, these would cost a little more. Most made color contacts are traditional (annual replacement) lenses, disposable contact lenses, while Freshlook Colorblends are monthly. What color lenses are expensive ring. Unfortunately, all toric contact lenses cost about twice as much as corrective lenses or long. The reason is that the lens is irregularly shaped and more difficult to manufacture. Comparable to normal (no color) toric colored contacts toric are 25-30% more expensive. However, if for toric color contacts online you can save significantly. Is there a potential danger in a color toric contacts? Toric color lenses presents no more danger than contact lenses. You just should not neglect to take care of them properly. Remember to always wash your hands before handling lenses. Each time you put your lenses for night use fresh solution. Do not wear lenses for too long – 8-10 hours is the limit, and never sleep in them. Since you need toric contact lenses anyway, try color toric contacts. You will be amazed at how different will the face with a different eye color. Tanya Turner is a contact lens expert and a founder of which gives information on all types of contact lenses, including

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