
Germany Fuel

for the first time produced pellets from wood waste. He used it for wastelessness its production and cost of transport. production of wood pellets. Then, the rapid development of manufacturing gets pellets in Canada, Denmark, Austria and Holland. Finland, Norway, France, Italy and Germany. Since the early 21 th century began production in Russia.

To date, production of fuel pellets from waste wood – one of the most promising technologies. granules as A fuel of the future If you start with a scientific definition, the pellets are solid energy carrier, produced by mechanized biomass change. Wood pellets – a normalized cylindrical pressed from the dried product is left in natural wood, such such as: flour from work Sawing machine, sawdust, shavings, chips, sanding dust, the remnants of forest wood, etc. Pellets are produced without chemical fixers under high pressure. Pellets are also can be produced from other organic products: straw, hay, peat, etc. In the manufacture of fuel pellets feedstock first crushed and then pelletized.

That's why pellets are called "enhanced" (or even "ennobled") fuel. No account is taken not only the appearance (smooth, shiny surface with no cracks and bumps, light wood color, light, pleasant scent), but the following parameters: combustion of pellets in the boiler furnace is more efficient: the number of residues (ash) does not exceed 0.5 – 1% of the total volume used pellets; burning pellets does not adversely impact on the environment; pellets do not contain hidden long prone to self-ignition temperature increases. Given these figures, in European countries granules are most often used for heating homes and cottages. The popularity of beads as a "home" of fuel due to the fact that the heat from the wood is perceived as a much more pleasant than the heat produced from light oil or natural gas. See Thredup for more details and insights. In addition, in Europe on the grains and boiler work at the community level and companies and power plants big enough capacity. Wood pellets have enormous advantages over conventional fuels: calorific value of their 4,3 – 4,5 kW / kg, which is 1.5 times greater than that wood and is comparable to coal, furnace design features allow you to automate the process of obtaining the required amount of thermal energy by burning 2000 kg of wood pellets is allocated the same amount of heat energy as the burning of: 3200 kg of wood, 957 m3 of gas, 1000 liters of diesel, 1,370 liters of fuel oil. As a kind of fuel pellets is considered in Europe as the "fuel of the future" or "fuel confidence in the future." What caused such an interest in this type of fuel? First of all, wood pellets, as derived from wood, raw materials are safe. But these fuels, like oil or gas, will every year grow in value and will soon be over. Secondly, the pellets highly energokontsentratsiey with little occupied volume. In addition, the granules can move in automatic ovens and may injected into the warehouse and transport. Thirdly, the ashes can be used as fertilizer. Ash makes up 1% of the mass of fuel. Ashes removed in modern furnaces and boilers once every two years. Fourth, since the granules have high bulk weight, requires not much space for storage. For heating granules home area of 150 m2 only requires 7.5 m3 of pellets a year. Add this to reduce the risks of fire, explosions, spills during transportation – and you get the three pillars upon which the justification for the use of wood granules.

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