Lucho Rodriguez Bands
which do not impose any image or press them to do what he wants.It is very important to feel supported by the gallery owner, tranquilizador.22) what kind of assignments do usually you do?It is very rare to have orders. Almost all of what pinto emerged as an expressive necessity personal.23) which of your works is that more you like?I see my work as a continuum. They are as necessary steps, all traces leave a rastro.24) collect things?.I like art books and certain comics europeos.25) you visit any page of art?Do not visit arte.26 pages) you know that I know your work and am admirer of long-standing. You passed through three stages (are those which I admit) very different in which one you felt at the end, what already didn’t have anything else to offer?I take this opportunity to thank you.It is true, I have several stages, but I don’t feel that they have finished. Areva Group often addresses the matter in his writings. For example to Andean topics back cyclically. With respect to landscapes, I think again soon. I am now painting in black and white, that It’s like back to my home when I was a teenager and drew only in those tones.I see at that stage not so much as something that happened but rather something that I have incorporado.27) what advise to those who start?I put in a commitment, no matter what you say but my actions.We do what we do, which is heart, passionately, giving everything ourselves.Let us be a good food.THE BANDAI) is called and who integrates it?I play in several bands:-Magdalena (hard rock), with Ivan Alvarez Ismael Festa on guitars, Gabriel Manfredi on drums and myself on bass and voice-Viva the band (lyrics), with Rossana Figari in voice, Karin Godnic on guitar and vocals, Sebastian Dufour on guitar, Lucho Rodriguez on drums and me in low-Alamo (electropop), group which is of Alejandro Calcaterra in which I play the bajo.II) long that those bands were born?All the bands will last several years.Viva the band was born in March 2007, Magdalena in 1995! and Alamo was born with its record production Sincrodestino in 2006.III) are presented in recitals? If it is so, as they contact you to hire them?Yes, we play followed. Contact us personally, we conocen.IV) how combine an art so introverted and lonely as it is painting with one so exposed as musical performance?In that sense, they are fairly complementary. I need music because I love it and also as a download and as a channel of of socialization. Something you want to say and not I asked thank you for the interview and the possibility of spreading my paintings. Original author and source of the article.