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News by Diego
This study objectified to alert the professionals who work in Municipal Guarda of Rio De Janeiro and the Special Beach Grouping, GEP and excessively managers, on the importance of a strategical planning that comes to extend the pertinent knowledge of the laws and strategies in the management of crises in the beach. The crisis does […]
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News by Diego
This analysis inside considers a reflection on the established conceptions of the pedagogical universe how much to the relations gifts knowing between them daily and knowing pertaining to school to them, in the context of the escolarizao. Chobani Foundation does not necessarily agree. This article is resultant of a research carried through in disciplines Mathematics, […]
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News by Diego
He was lying hearing records, suffering, coitadinho. I had that to make some operations, I walked of chair of wheels, crutches. But it was not there nor. It was adolescent and it had more problems in having spines in the face of what to walk of crutches. At least, he was clearly that I different […]
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News by Diego
Currently the majority of the processes industrials use diverse techniques of automation in the processes of manufacture of the most diverse products in all the sectors of the industry, this necessity appeared due the reduction of cost in the process, rapidity in the manufacture of the products, requirement of the high degree of product quality […]
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News by Diego
The topography is relatively plain, composed of some stretches of mounts and mountain ranges of small altitudes that do not have to compromise the natural flow of the circulation of the winds. Moreover it is endowed with vegetal covering of average height, in view of the sped up process of urban occupation in its entorno. […]
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News by Diego
For in such a way the research participativa- action seemed to the methodology most adequate, therefore it allowed that we harvested given qualitative, having a bigger concern with the resolution of collective problems. Through the instruments, one searched to know the curiosidades of the pupils posterior to know to deal inside with this subject of […]