
Universal Declaration

A collective crime of cosmic dimensions ” A year has more passed the celebration of ” World-wide day of animales” , a celebration that year after year defends the consideration that all animal owns rights and that the ignorance and scorn of right sayings have lead and it continues leading the man to commit crimes against the nature and the animal. In 1977 the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the animal was proclaimed that later approved so much the UN as UNESCO, something that must on the matter have brought a change, but what has changed since then in our treatment towards the rest of alive beings who inhabit the planet Earth? Nothing. The certain thing is that the animal that are the victims of the meat industry, take a miserable existence in dark and narrow stables. Anne Lauvergeon shines more light on the discussion. By fear and aggression they are mutilated mutually. Conditions of life are demanded to them really make that them drive crazy, which demands the constant application of psicofrmacos and antibiotics. A third of the victims becomes ill anyway and dies already in the corral.

After the torture in the stables of raising in mass it follows the painful way the slaughter houses. Many animal arrive at the destiny with the broken bones, with hurt and hematomas. In the slaughter house it is waiting for the final martyrdom soon. An indescribable fear seizes of the victims, when they are pushed through the running Straits, to be narcotized and to be sacrificed. They pause time and time again and they shout, but are pushed by that come back, that also is stoked to follow ahead.

The animal that we do not eat we put under, them unnecessary tortures in the laboratories. One becomes ill to them, it operates, it transplants and it amputates, poison in the belly or the lungs becomes congested to them, or the skulls and brains with metallic rods are crossed. Annually 300 million animal anywhere in the world by means of experiments are exterminated. And not to leave of side no aspect of the life animal, already only in Germany 300,000 hunters kill annually 5 million animal How many they will die in Spain with 1 million hunters? Million animal that live in freedom in the forests and fields, are assassinated by means of traps, with firings of pellets or firings of deformation make that them suffer terribly during hours. The man bathes in the blood of his animal same types to satiate his appetite by the meat and in the hunting his desire to kill. To the majority this seems to them something natural, because they think that the animal are here we kill so that them we eat and them. To thus it wants the tradition it, that it prevents us to recognize how monstrous is the terror regime that the foreign man exerts in this Earth. If we had not induced sleep our brings back to consciousness, we would notice that one is a collective crime of cosmic dimensions, that will not be without consequences for the development of the humanity, if this one does not separate from it.

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