
Immune System

The immune system and how it it best supported the human organism, the same is true for animals, is surrounded by an army of enemy microorganisms, which would destroy him. The immune system as an important part of the immune system of our body will make sure that this does not happen. Even if it now is easy, all possible medicines and preparations in the online pharmacy of new Pillenpharm to order, it’s immensely important that to get as strong as possible his immune system through healthy diet and plenty of exercise in the fresh air,. Our body is surrounded by a fairly solid protective layer of skin. Sebaceous glands on the skin care with their secretions for that many micro-organisms which adhere to the skin, be combated successfully. With the orifices it behaves but even more problematic, because harmful pathogens can get over mouth and nose more easily in the body.

But there also is provided. The mucosa secrete secretions and are partially occupied with Cilia, immediately outside to move the debris. Saliva for example, chemically counteracts micro-organisms, and if they come up in the stomach, the stomach acid that that they be killed makes. The white blood cells, lymphocytes, function as a highly effective health police and constantly revolve in different concentrations in the blood circulation and the lymphatic system. They are made as stem cells in the bone marrow. Basically you can they divide into two major groups, the T – and B lymphocytes. The T-lymphocytes are developed from stem cells in the thymus gland, the B lymphocytes in the bone marrow.

There are three special units of the T-lymphocytes. Once there are the T-helper cells, which ensure that antibodies are formed in the system if necessary. The T-killer cells to destroy invading microorganisms. And the T suppressor cells ensure that after successful defensive battle, no new antibodies are formed, which then also not more will be needed. B lymphocytes are converted in the case of an infection attack from the outside under the influence of the T-helper cells into plasma cells. Hostile microbes in the body, penetrate the T-helper cells with them in contact contact first. This signal needs the B-lymphocytes, and it transformed into plasma cells, which produce the important antibodies. That takes time, approximately one to two weeks, something however and should then custom antibody available whose surface structure exactly to the structure of the hostile invaders, called antigens, watching. In this way, the now available antibodies can neutralize the enemies. The antibody simply attach to the antigens and so destroy them.

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