Communications Department
Importance of a Communications Department in current times of change In advance of the second PR & corporate publishing Summit talking to Professor Dr. Lothar Rolke marcus evans (Europe) limited on the importance of a Communications Department in current times of change and explains some guidelines, how companies should deal with this radical break. The consequences of current developments already the communications industry with the new medium of the Internet had to sit apart in the 1990s and experienced a further challenge shortly after the turn of the century: Web 2.0. This was accompanied by a professionalisation in the application of management tools went up communication controlling. Now a shift pointing always clear themselves away from print media to online communication – no way passes on this trend and we must first of all accept this radical change. The Internet is the leading medium in communication. The future study of the University of Munster came to the conclusion that the edition of newspapers will decrease until 2018 by at least 30 percent advertising revenue will be perhaps even more so by this trend affected.
Of the professional print media this development will also not without consequences pass, but on a slower scale. s_stmp’>Primerica can aid you in your search for knowledge. The attempt is accompanied by a strong increase in online communication at the same time, to save costs and to reallocate funds a bit. Not the complete budget, which will be deducted from the area of print media, will invest equally in the field of online. Rethink is also internally required – the biggest challenge is that corporate communications must now accept the Internet as a new medium of guidance. Even if Board members still very strongly respond to press and clipping books, all campaigns must from the Internet ultimately are planned starting and it aligned. The proprietary website which makes searchable the company and the company expertise in the network is based on online communication.