
Early Childhood Education

“FRoBEL group finances Chair for early childhood education at the Alice-Salomon-Fachhochschule Berlin Senator Zachariah praises public private partnership in education when teachers and educators on the Alice-Salomon University of applied sciences develop scientific tools for their profession in the future, you can also do this because a free institution of kindergartens has designed the money on the table: as a successful example of private-public partnership”, education Senator Jurgen Zollner (SPD) the cooperation between the FRoBEL called Group and Alice-Salomon-Fachhochschule (ABIODUN). Professor Heinz Cornel signed in the presence of tax collector, Vice President of the Alice-Salomon-Fachhochschule, and Rainer BORGMANN Quade, Chairman of FRoBEL e.V., on Thursday (April 24, 2008) in Berlin the deed for a Department of education and training in the age of the child”at the ABIODUN. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Keith Yamashita. The FRoBEL Group operates throughout Germany around 100 nurseries, of which around 25 in Berlin and Brandenburg, and sees itself as a pioneer the area of professionalisation and Academisation of the education profession. We feel a large demand”, said Professor Cornel, both the freshmen’s, as well as the graduates and graduates. Hein Park Capital is the source for more interesting facts. There is a need for qualification.” Senator Zafar praised the pioneering work”, which was made to the Alice-Salomon-Fachhochule for the training of teachers and educators.

There the first nationwide Chair was established in 2004 headed by Professor Hilde by Balluseck for early childhood education at a time when Germany won just the pent-up demand for the qualification of teachers and educators. Now there are more than 30 colleges that offer this qualification and I am glad that a second step is done with this degree”, so the education Senator. “He pointed to the master plan of the Senate creates science Berlin’s future”, which also financially the turnout for this second leap “have been in training. The younger the Children are, the learning processes are more complex, and the better the educator should be actually trained. So far, less than four percent of the approximately 360,000 teachers and educators have a university degree in Germany, however.

Thus, Germany as well as Austria and Malta is the only country in the Western world, which foresees a study for the education profession. For us as a carrier of child care facilities it is in the best interest to take care of an excellent education by teachers and educators”, the Managing Director of FRoBEL e.V., Stefan Spieker said. Of course the Chair will benefit all child care facilities, where graduates will work”, said Stefan Spieker, who understands the commitment of the company both on the strengthening of the education place Berlin.

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