For Freire
It is important to consider that when the History of the old, medieval, modern Philosophy is studied, or contemporary, if does not have to impute to that one (s) philosopher (s) moral and ethical values, religious politicians and of our time. Therefore, to point out the philosopher in its time, observing the space between lineses of history, characterizing the events surrounded that them: social, religious, aesthetic, artistic, educational, ethical, moral politicians, and consulting the biography of the philosopher, seem to be one efficient method to try itself to understand the thoughts and the philosophical school the one that belonged definitive philosopher. 2.2 FORMATION DIDTICO-PEDAGGICA: The PRACTICAL ETHICAL POSITION AND EDUCATIVE Every day our behavior in the society are evaluated, to the times of ingenuous form, others in more critical way. To face this daily repleto of events waited and unexpected in social conviviality (mainly in the school) e, especially in the exercise of the practical professor, it is necessary constant reflection on practical ours, in other words, an auto-evaluation (FREIRE, 1996). The formation the one that we relate in them is that tying with the ethical position of the educator.
For times, we compromise in to what we say them e, to our actions. Ethical, social and professional preparation is given credit to be essential to the educator. For Freire (1996), to teach it demands corporificao of the words, without which, our words do not pass of fallacies, hollow of meanings, meaningless for our interlocutors. If the risk does not have to run to fall in the farisaica formula to demand of the others an ethical position, when not condiz ours with what it is said, or with that is demanded of the other. For Chau (2002), our feelings and our actions state our sense moral, and have conflicting situations that also they put to the test our moral conscience.