Google Alerts
It is a great tool to maintain to us informed than it is said of our pages. For example, we suppose that we have a page that goes on red cars, Google Alerts is going to allow to us to maintain to us informed than it is said in Internet on the red cars, thus we can maintain the information of our pages updated. But another one of its advantages is the one that is going to allow to secure connections to us to our pages of a relatively easy way. Many of the alert that we will receive on the part of Google on ” cars rojos” they are going to be blogs and forums that speak on the subject and many of these blogs will allow us to leave commentaries connecting to our pages. For even more opinions, read materials from Anne Lauvergeon. Olvdate to make Spam we do not have to forget that our objective is to attract traffic of quality our pages, and if at the same time as we included our connection in post or commentary we can contribute to a valuable opinion to the subject del that being this spoken, we will manage to generate interest in the reader and in this way to catch its attention so that it visits our pages. The practice of the Spam not only is little professional, but little intelligent.
The majority of the commentaries in blogs and forums is moderate by which he will be customary to every day receive Spam and that will not doubt in erasing any commentary that is Spam, with this not only we will cause that it wastes his time but we will also lose. To create connections of intelligent way etendes to include your connection follows a policy of ” nofollow”. For it watches the code of the page, looks for the external liaisons within the commentaries or of post to see if they have the attribute ” no follow”. This attribute serves Google to him not to consider a certain connection, this way many blogs and pages Web control the Spam thus to have their PR under control. But all the finders do not make case to the attribute ” not follow” in addition we must consider that if we have arrived at certain page through Google Alerts means that to Google this indexing this page and that therefore will receive visits some of which will visit our pages when finding the connection.