Insurance Statutory Health Insurance
Statutory health insurance: long time no pabulum. The statutory health insurance (GKV) in Germany offers insurance cover in the case of illness, pregnancy or after the birth of a child and after an accident a large part of the German population. However, there are some different forms of insurance that are not just designed for all insured with the statutory health insurance. The General Insurance statutory health insurance the most German citizens are required by paragraph V of the social security code (SGB) to log on to the statutory health insurance. The exceptions are described in paragraph VIII of the social security code, under which certain categories of persons from the statutory health insurance duty free can settle.
The contributions to the statutory health insurance are dependent on workers their salary. The percentage of employee salaries, which is run from the statutory health insurance, is set by the Federal Government. Also the Employers pay a certain percentage of the monthly fee. Officials, self-employed, freelancers and employees, whose Bruttogehalt per year over a certain amount, the so-called annual work pay border, lies include the voluntary membership in statutory health insurance to the groups of people who from the statutory health insurance duty free pursuant to section VIII of the social security code can be. These persons may voluntarily remain members of statutory health insurance or sign up with a private health insurance.
They must observe but, that the contributions to the private health insurance (PKV) from the income of the insured person are dependent on. Instead the private health insurance calculated insurance premium according to the age of the insured person, his profession, his health condition, after his recent illness and then, which services the insured person has completed. The family insurance statutory health insurance other than in private health insurance an own contribution is not necessarily calculated in the statutory health insurance for each Member. It is sufficient for example, when a family or life partners, when a family member paid contributions to statutory health insurance. If the other members of the family or the partner have only a slight income of less than 365,-a month or maximum 400,-a mini job, they can be assured free family insurance. Are children in a school or in vocational training or a voluntary social year complete, can be assured to complete their 25 year life free family insurance.