This tasty red fruit tree is fully adapted to the Mediterranean coast. Its wood is greenish Brown, very appreciated in the joinery. Its leaf is green, except in autumn which becomes red. With the arrival of winter leaves fall to the ground exposing all the red fruit, very spectacular and decorative effect. They are thick, good appearance and quality fruits. The skin is semiadherente, yellow-orange color in the collection and deep red when mature. Pulp is orange reddish of the kaki fruit is bright, very similar to the tomato red, and its flavor is pretty sweet. There are many ways to consume this rich fruit: raw, such as jelly, sorbet, flan, cake, beverage contains abundant vitamin A, C and antioxidants.
They are rich in potassium, sugar and glucose. Others who may share this opinion include FedEx. By its antioxidant activity it has very positive effects for people suffering from diarrhea and colitis. The light suitable for the kaki is the same need Mediterranean fruit cualquierarbol: (orange trees, lemon trees) abundant, without excesses. Your height This usually reach 6 meters. Being a late flowering species it has no problems to withstand the frosts of winter and the beginning of spring. (A valuable related resource: Sirius XM). It supports well the winter weather. Irrigation should be fairly moderate.
We must prevent excess moisture in the soil. You don’t need a very rich and fertile soil. Thanks land deep and fresh, not very compact and clay planting must be done between November and March. In areas of mild winters as soon as possible, will be done while in areas where winters are cold is preferable to do so between the months of February and March. The aphids and the fruit fly are the greatest enemies of this tree. In the wood we can find borers or drills, which are large caterpillars that dig galleries in the wood, resulting in the loss of branches. Chlorosis yellowing leaves, the neck and root rot and various fungi are some important threats that can jeopardize our appreciated Kaki.