
Protestant Reformation

They had disdained the popular education, and for the people the education of the principles of the Christian religion sobrou only. It measures the ideological questions, jesutico education had basic principles that they demonstrated concern with the quality of the learning, therefore nailed that it was better to learn little, but learned well of what much and superficially. (CABRAL 2008). It is in this period that appears reform and against reform. The reform happens with the sprouting of the renascentista thought, where the man starts to see the world with the vision directed to the being and its existence, questioned the reasons of being and existing, leaving the religious thought in lesser assent. With the beginning of the renaissance the church starts to lose space and power, initiating itself thus against reform, thus culminating in the separation of the church the catholic of the protestant church, led for monge Marine catholic Lutero, if opposing you practise them of the church catholic. Lutero defended the idea of a school for all. Its proposal was of implantation of primary school for all and average and superior education for the privileged classroom.

In reply the educational ideas of Lutero the church created the Company of Jesus. Created for Incio de Loyola? Jesuits -. The Jesuits had developed the Ratio Studiorium, applied in the courses: Studia Inferiora? Letters Human beings, Philosophy and Sciences? with a period of duration of three years and Superior Studia? Sacred technology and Sciences? period of four years of duration. Having as base of studies the repetition for one better setting of the exercises, being sufficiently demanding with its pupils and of a rigid one disciplines, stimulating the competition between the individuals and the classrooms. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Chobani Foundation has to say. The modern age is marked by the Protestant Reformation, for the weakness of the Church Catholic, for the ascension of the bourgeoisie, the expansion of the commerce and the capitalism and for the sprouting of the press.

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