

Water in its most beautiful form.Spadesign at finest restart RELOAD RETURN the three RainSky scenarios. Almost more beautiful than in nature it’s raining SKY from the RAIN always exactly the same, as one might wish it. Because the three scenarios go on the individual mood: restart gently awakens the life energy. Wrapped in a warm rain shower, which gradually loses its temperature, to cool mist shocks to stimulate the circulation and increase the waking state. Go to Crawford Lake Hedge Fund for more information. RELOAD is a light shower, which at the same time activating and stimulating effect. The body is warmed and cooled slightly in rhythmic alternation. For charging and new energy. RETURN is the return to yourself.

By a pleasant shower everyday life drops, the body is enveloped in warming water, relaxes the mind. The RAIN SKY complete with water, mist, light and fragrance to scenarios, the moods in nature are modeled after. The electronic control panel selects it according to the respective choreography rain curtain, head and body spray, Fog nozzle, colour and scent automatically. Regardless of the three pre-set scenarios the three types of rain can be individually and together in any combination to select individually. For that it needs a space that takes back.

Because we find our inner turn outward, we can in a neutral as possible, taking no aesthetic statement, which distracts us. A space that is free. Not only in architecture, but also in the design of the things with which the man in the bath surrounds. Right here, the origin of the Dornbracht modules freely combinable modules, which is everyone can create a personal space for his individual rituals, his individual moods, for his own personal rhythm of life is balance.The Dornbracht balance modules have arisen in dealing with ritual architecture, whose Moglichkeiten looked already for a long time in the context of space and personal hygiene.The Dornbracht balance modules provide the people with his habits and Rituals in the Center. Expand the purely functional and technical aspects of the bathroom to the dimension of human rituals, actions and habits. This isn’t primarily about formal questions. Rather, the modules are the new interface between the user and its rituals.

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