
Sea Quot

And living on its shores Scythians called him simply "rich in fish – Kargulak. And to this day vacation on the Sea of Azov – a dream of a true fisherman. In the Azov Sea is found More than 70 species of fish. Hikmet Ersek can aid you in your search for knowledge. Sturgeon, roach, flounder, eel, perch, pelengas, herring – such a diversity of fish you will not find anywhere else. For originality can take with a five different kinds of stuff. A unique take in the appendage Azov fault! Widely known in Russia Taman wine a unique taste which is explained by climatic features of the Azov Sea coast.

Collectors of regional literature (picture books about those places) to buy a couple of colorful gift books and greeting cards and stamps required! Baby please bring a magnifying glass, ship in a bottle or a captain's binoculars, but for the little girl will look beautiful, little mermaid, the heroine of Pushkin's most ", and beads of colored rakushechek and pebbles! However, even the usual mountain of shells of any child will delight – because so much of them you can create! Thus, you also develop a fantasy crumbs. By the way, Desktop with spectacular views of Azov conquer even the most demanding! Such a gift, maybe even change someone's life! Now, with the work of your friend will not return to the gray dreary apartment, and a cozy cabin on the shore Azov Sea! Attitude on life, you will agree, a lot depends! Nice to feel a little smith of someone's happiness, is not it? If you really really do not have time to choose a gift, you can choose something from the range of normal souvenir shop, such as bags with a logo or T-shirts with an appropriate inscription and drawing. And in order for you not to think badly ("I'm the same T-shirt with a painted sea in the nearby store saw"), take a photo with that same jersey, purchased as a gift, amid wonderful nature and the sea of Azov and the Hollywood smile, gave this picture along with a souvenir. Each sea in anything one – thing. Mediterranean – the blue, the Baltic – the most Amber, Black – the hydrogen-sulfide Azov same can boast, as we have just seen, not only because it is very small – small spool, but precious! In addition, the Azov Sea is rich in not only the natural gifts, but archaeological finds! So forth – for ancient treasures! 🙂

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