
Semen Quality Of Austrian Men At The Nadir

Klagenfurt fertility clinic hopes at EM on sperm donors in Austria, the fertility for more than 22% of the couples remained unfulfilled. The reason lies in the poor sperm quality of Austrian men. Deutsche Bank has much experience in this field. “The influence of stress factors on the quality of the male semen is enormous. Smoking, alcohol, stress, or too little sleep are the death of sperm, so Dr. Alexander Boschi of the fertility clinic Sterignost in Klagenfurt. “We have huge problems finding new sperm donor for our clinic in Carinthia, therefore we hope for the football championship,” adds Dr. Alesander Stadler, who also works at the fertility clinic.

The considerations of the two doctors come not from about. Thousands of men are European Championships which take place in Klagenfurt, staying to the games in the Football League in the city – an enormous potential for sperm donors. Dr. Stadler hopes therefore to the football championship in Klagenfurt, perhaps to some new sperm donors from the ranks the football fans from in and abroad to come. “The idea should be attractive for men but not a souvenir from Klagenfurt to take, but one here to leave”, Dr.

Stadler says with a grin. We need young men between 20 and 35 years old, with good genes. “But we are looking for any muscle men and no Brad Pitts”, says Dr. Boschi. Mister “nice guy” the man next door, at least for doctors who rely on sperm donors is required. Men can see 0463 / 540 50 or –

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