
Simple Recipe Meat Croquettes

Meat croquettes is a very simple, but also laborious recipe. because after making the mixture should be to give shape and coat the croquettes, one by one. In my house this work we did three, did a lot, and congelabamos them. The result is very good, then thawed out as well as freshly made, and once one gets better is making quantity. Meat croquettes ingredients: 150 gr. Of harina.1 onion grande.250 gr. Meat picada.100 gr. Mantequilla.1/2 lt.

Milk.Beaten egg.Bread rallado.Sal. Chop the onion into very thin strips and FRY in butter, until it is golden, but without that burning out. Add the meat, salpimentada, and the FRY until it is done. We incorporate the flour and sauteed it slightly, until it is lightly toasted. We will adding milk slowly, stirring in no time, not to form lumps, until an homogeneous, elastic, dough that does not stick to the Pan and is not hard. If necessary we would add more milk. Spend the dough to a dish and allow to cool.

Put in two separate plates, beaten egg and bread crumbs. We will taking portions of the mass, the size that we want, and we will be modeling the croquettes. We have to Breading each croquette passing it by the beaten egg and bread crumbs, in this order. Once pasties, we fry them in plenty of hot oil. Fry them in no very large groups, because if you put too much oil cooled and then absorb more oil. When they are fried let them drain on a plate with a paper towel. Croquettes remaining us the conjelaremos and will make them another day. Conjeladas croquettes can be put to fry without desconjelar, but we must take care, as they will quickly cool the oil and it will be more difficult they become to strong fire. You can find recipes such as meat croquettes, beef meatballs and many other tapas recipes in our recipe book.

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