8 It always tries to offer to the greater amount of gratuitous information that you have to your reach, this not only benefitted your subscriber but also it will let grow your Marca in line. 9 It updates and it modernizes your site frequently, this would help you not only in the positioning in the finders but also it would show to your growth and versatility with means. 10- It pays much attention to your documents written, messages of mail and your site generally to try to detect and to avoid the orthographic, grammar errors and of type. 11- Beam that your site is easy to read and to sail, that does not distract the navigator, who can find with facility the benefits and opportunities, etc. Mainly tries of which you site fast loading in the screen of the visitor and which have a professional appearance. 12- It verifies that your site does not have broken connections nor lost images . 13- If you offer products, in their bills of sale insert testimonies of people who already have acquired your products. 14- It offers a guarantee of the 100%, by means of the return of the paid money, this would stimulate your visitors to prove your products and to verify the real benefits for them.
15- You must have in your site process of a comfortable and simple purchase to allow your users to acquire what they need, at the moment need that it and with total security. 16- Ten always in your sites a form of consultations or a book of visits so that they can contactarte with facility. 17- It protects and it protects the data of the clients and subscribers and you disclose never them nor you use with other aims. These are some of the advice we are who them learning with running of the time, of course, always is better we implement than them of a single time to notice more express the results. Original author and source of the article