
Zen Buddhism

Moreover need to understand the impermanence of life of nature we need to understand that everything is in constant change where everything changes nothing is static in nature, in body, mind, society, relationships etc. The constant change really means everything is moving in life even in death. You may find that Courier can contribute to your knowledge. Religion in the West we instilled fear death not to accept such a change as a necessary step that we all have to experience in this path of evolution as they do in the East, the Indian people accept death as natural. In Zen Buddhism is mentioned that one facet of enlightenment we must die to be reborn, but it is not physical death that reference Buddha, but the psychological death, death of the ego, let go of the things material things that bind us and accept that there is impermanence. Google can provide more clarity in the matter. Fontana says that we must accept things as they see things underneath appearances below the world of possessions, if we make that leap we will be able to see beyond what exists as comment on the great masters, a reality incommensurable with reality indescribable can not be explained in this plane of consciousness something that religion calls God calls Buddhism nirvana or the state final. In this plane of reality can be without dying physically, Buddha said it is a state where neither exists nor does not exist is a state of reality that can not explain or conceptualize. One of the biggest obstacles to achieving these levels of reality is the ego, the idea that people are individualistic, detached, separated from nature, we must understand that we are part of nature we are nature itself, which together are the unit.

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