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Attorney labour law Mudter & Collegen from Frankfurt: dismissal there are restructuring, the creation or the Elimination of hierarchy levels or simply the statement “the chemistry is no longer”. The result is that you as a leader can quickly be affected by a cancellation. Lawyer will work out the most important aspects in loose order […]

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Gift Return

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Gift tax does not apply for return of the later ‘Tax on a gift return’ editorial on the topic of ‘Tax on a gift return’ the once set gift tax will be refunded retroactively again, if the gift has been returned back. Many families do not know these legally arranged way at all, so take […]

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The New Electronic Tax Deduction Card

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An important innovation is unaware the innovations, advantages, disadvantages, and changes who is still waiting for his tax deduction card for 2011. Usually, she came with the post and had to be given from the employer. It was once, however, the income tax card is electronically in the future. To understand this, should be seen […]

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