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News by Diego
The percentage of use of the services of each employee was extracted through analysis and survey of the reports of services given during the year of 2010, what not necessarily it indicates that this percentage is fixed, being able to vary in the too much years or analyzed periods, in accordance with the use of […]
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News by Diego
The contribution edge says respect to the difference enters the unitary price of sales of the product and its changeable cost. The break-even point evidences how much the necessary company to vender so that it obtains to cover all the costs? fixtures and 0 variable? that the production and sales of the products incur into. […]
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News by Diego
It is efficient as cicatrizante in the bruises and cuts and also it is used in lauderings in ' ' flowers brancas' ' (leucorrias) and ulceraes. In gargarejos, she is used against anginas. The use of the resin and leves, in the form of boiled must and tea, is considered depurative of the blood, recommended […]